Sunday, September 12, 2021

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

 Wednesday, September 8, 2021

We woke up at about 7 this morning to start loading the vehicle.  It took us about 3 hours to load all the vehicles and tear down camp.  We hit the road about 10:30 for our long drive back.  Dad started the drive and I took over after an hour or so.  We knew it would be a lot of back and forth driving because we were both tired and were going to drive through the night.  

Atigun Pass was a little rainy so I let dad drive for that portion.  Going back and forth on the slick, wet, greasy, muddy road in a truck I am unfamiliar with is not what I wanted to be doing.  I ended up sleeping for an hour before Coldfoot which was our first stop for a late lunch.  I got the same sandwich but got chicken noodle soup to try and warm up a bit.  The soup was delicious.  

We were then on our way to the Arctic Ocean and Yukon River. I slept for a couple hours before Yukon River and woke up just as we were pulling in.  We used the bathroom and walked down to the river for a picture- then we were off again. 

Our next stop was in Fairbanks for gas and some McDonalds at 10:30pm.  I took over driving about 11:45pm and finished the drive to a Anchorage when we arrived at 4:30am.

We unloaded some stuff and then were off to bed.  The Alch’s home is incredibly unique. There are 5 or 6 different levels to the home and it is very outdoorsy and filled with animals and wood carvings.  

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

While waiting in Seattle, Dad got a little sleep on the floor while I got a bagel with cream cheese. The flight went well. I slept again.  I...