Monday, September 27, 2021

Sunday, September 12, 2021

While waiting in Seattle, Dad got a little sleep on the floor while I got a bagel with cream cheese. The flight went well. I slept again. 

In Chicago we had another layover. There was an earlier flight to Des Moines which we wanted to get on to get us home 2 hours earlier, but because we checked bags we couldn't switch to an earlier flight. Instead we decided to sit at the Burger Federation and have a Diet Coke.

The flight to Des Moines went smoothly.  When we got to Des Moines we had to wait a bit because of the airport being short handed and not having a gate crew.  

It was so great to see the boys.  Teddy made a cute sign saying "Welcome Home Mom" and decorated it beautifully. 

The trip was absolutely incredible and having the opportunity to spend that time with Dad is something I will always cherish! 

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

While waiting in Seattle, Dad got a little sleep on the floor while I got a bagel with cream cheese. The flight went well. I slept again.  I...